App Features
Use these features to find your fitness family, take a class, or guide your cardio by zone.
- How do I organize my connections into groups?
- Can I view my Myzone tile while using other apps?
- What is the difference between the 1.0 and 2.0 Fitness Test?
- What are Myzone Zone Match Workouts?
- How do I join a class in the Myzone app?
- How to Create Challenges with your Myzone Connections
- How do I book a class in the Myzone App?
- What is the MZ-Fitness Test 2.0 and how do I perform it?
- Use MZ-Chat to communicate and encourage connection in the Myzone App
- What is MZ-Together?
- What is MZ-Motion?
- How do I update the Myzone app?
- How to share online Myzone classes with connections
- What is the MZ-Fitness Test?
- Post Workout Screens