What is MZ-Motion?
MZ-Motion pulls in your step count from Apple Health and Google Fit so you can get a full picture of your effort and lifestyle movement for the day. MZ-Motion does not earn MEPs.
MZ-Motion pulls in your active minutes from Apple Health and Google Fit so you can get a full picture of your effort and lifestyle movement for the day. MZ-Motion does not earn MEPs.
What does it do?
Apple Health and Google Fit use the accelerometer and movement of your phone to measure your active time for the day, excluding workouts, and shares this data with Myzone. It is reported in a bar graph.
What doesn't it do?
- Does not convert to MEPs or have any impact on your Status
- Does not track steps or your heart rate
- Does not replace your MZ-1, MZ-3, or MZ-Switch
How does it work?
MZ-Motion is tracked via Google Fit or Apple Health. This data is shared in the background, so your Myzone app does not need to be open in order to sync. You will, however, need to allow data sharing between one of these two and the Myzone App in order to track and earn MZ-Motion points:
How do I know if my phone is sharing motion to the Myzone app?
When you initially download the Myzone app, your phone will prompt you to share Health information with Myzone. If enabled, this information will automatically sync with your MZ-Motion activity. The phone records the movement and stores it in Apple Health and Google Fit; then the Myzone app reads the activity and translates that information into MZ-Motion activity for Myzone.
Where can I find MZ-Motion?
Find MZ-Motion in the app by tapping Me on your quick navigation menu at the bottom of the app. Scroll down under your calendar and tap on MZ-Motion. Once selected, the data and graph will populate above.
How do I sync previous months' data to MZ-Motion in the app?
In the Myzone app, tap the menu, then tap Settings. Select MZ-Motion and you will see a calendar to choose specific months to sync or sync all months. Tap sync to upload.