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Seamless Integration: Using Myzone with Matrix Equipment

Maximize Your Workouts with Real-Time Heart Rate Monitoring and Effort Tracking with Matrix

Ensure Your Myzone Device is Ready

First, be sure you are wearing your Myzone device, and it is turned on and reading your heart rate.

Pairing Your Myzone Device

  1. Open Settings: Press on the settings icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, then press on Device Pairing.

    Select Heart Rate Monitors: Once you are in device pairing, press Heart Rate Monitors. You will see your Myzone device number.
  2. Connect Your Device: Press your Myzone device to connect.

Confirmation of Connection

Once connected, Matrix's traditional heart rate icon changes to the Myzone logo, and the HR tile color at the bottom changes to reflect the Myzone color zone.

Workout Summary

When the workout is complete, the highlighted color zones and MEPs (Myzone Effort Points) will be featured at the top of the workout summary screen.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Myzone Devices Work with This Integration?

MZ-1, MZ-3, and Switch.

Will Clubs Need an Active Myzone License?

Yes. Clubs need to be current Myzone customers paying an active license fee to use this integration feature.

What Information is Displayed on the Matrix Screen?

Members will see their live heart rate (HR), heart rate percentage (HR %), and MEPs. They will also receive a summary at the end of their session, broken down into MEPs and time earned in each zone.

Does the Myzone Data Get Automatically Uploaded to the Member's Myzone Account?

Yes. The information will automatically upload to the member's profile, so they won't need to manually upload their workout to the app at the conclusion of their session.

What if the Matrix Cardio Equipment is Offline?

The belt can still connect like a normal heart rate monitor (HRM), but the Myzone interface will not display, and no data will be collected.

How Do I Know if I'm Running the Required Software Version on My Matrix Equipment?

Please contact your local Matrix representative to confirm this.