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Why isn't my MZ-Switch Working?

Follow these troubleshooting steps to get your Switch back to seemlessly tracking your effort.

Troubleshooting Guide for the MZ-Switch

Just getting started? We recommend viewing Getting Started with your MZ-Switch first!


1. Make sure the strap you've chosen is appropriate for the type of activity you're performing

  • Wear the wristband for swimming and non-gripping activities with repetitive movements.
  • Wear the armband for a more accurate reading of non-gripping activities and repetitive movements. Don’t use the armband for swimming.
  • Wear the chest strap for the most accurate reading for all types of exercises, but not swimming.

Check out a full breakdown here: Which Strap Should I Use for my MZ-Switch?


2. Snug is best

  • Make sure the strap is comfortably snug on your wrist, arm, or chest. 
  • On your wrist or arm, you should not be able to see the green LED's against your skin, but it should not be so tight that it restricts blood flow. 
  • On your chest, it should be tight enough that it does not shift with movement, but not to the point of discomfort.


3. Check your battery level

With your belt on and activated, open your Myzone app and tap the AppBatteryIcon icon on the top banner of your app to view current charge level. 

If you wear your Switch on your wrist and see it flash orange when you press it on or off, this means your battery is at 30%. Snap it into its charging cable and plug in to a computer USB or 5v charging block to get fully charged up for next time and avoid data loss. 

View our best practices for charging here: How Do I Charge my MZ-3 and MZ-Switch?


4. Keep your chest strap clean

Salt build-up on your strap can cause performance issues and shorten the life of your strap. Rinse your strap after each workout, and once a week (or every five uses), give your strap a good clean in the washing machine, then lay flat or hang to dry. See: How Do I Wash my Myzone Belt?


Also, periodically wipe around the snaps and the PPG sensor (green flashing light on the back) of the module with a cloth or cotton swab.

Avoid using rubbing alcohol or other solvents, as that can break down the components of your belt.


5. Test 

If these steps do not help, test the module on a different strap to determine which piece is the faulty component.


Replacing your Myzone strap

Sooner or later, just like the rest of your workout gear, your belt will need replacing. Generally speaking, you will need to replace your strap after 9-12 months of use. This is just a guide and depends on how often you wear your belt, how hard you train and whether you regularly swap it with spares.

When the time comes to say goodbye to your trusty workout companion, simply head to to order a new strap and keep your MEP count growing! 

Sweat. Rinse. Repeat. Replace.