When Do I Need to Replace my Myzone Strap?
Generally speaking, you will need to replace your strap after 9-12 months of use. This is just a guide and depends on how often you wear your belt, wash your strap and whether you regularly rotate spares.
While the Myzone module (the black piece that snaps into your strap) can last a number of years with proper care, your strap experiences wear and tear--just like the rest of your workout apparel!
Generally speaking, you will need to replace your strap after 9-12 months of use. This is just a guide and depends on how often you wear your belt, wash your strap and whether you regularly rotate spares.
When the time comes to say goodbye to your trusty workout companion, simply head to buy.myzone.org to order a new strap and keep your MEP count growing!
Sweat. Rinse. Repeat. Replace.