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What is the difference between Personal and Monthly Goals?

Neither are tied to status--they are both personalized goals. Personal goals are a 1-time personal MEP or calorie challenges. Monthly goals are recurring monthly MEP targets.

A personal goal is a one-time goal. Think of it as your personal challenge. Strive to hit a target number of MEPs earned or calories burned.

A monthly goal is a MEP target that you aim for every single month that is unrelated to maintaining your status. Once you set a monthly goal, it will stay the same each month until you adjust it. 

Create Your Goals

To add a personal or monthly goal from the app, tap on the menu icon, then tap on Activities.


Then tap on Personal Goal or Monthly Goal

  • For Personal Goals, choose a start and end date, and whether to target MEPs or calories.
  • For Monthly Goals, choose your monthly MEP target!


Check Your Progress

View your Personal Goal progress in your list of Challenges on the main menu. 

Easily monitor your Monthly Goal progress in your Home Feed. Tap on your Status Progress to reveal your Monthly Progress! 
