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Regional Community Codes

If you need to register your Myzone belt but do not belong to a Myzone-enabled gym,or need to change to move to an independent code, please choose from the regional community code list to set up your account.

If you are transferring to a new account, please contact our customer care team via live chat our our support form in the help center. 

**Only 1 facility code can be associated with your Myzone account.**

Region / Country Facility Code
Austria MZAT001
Australia MZAU001
Bahrain MZBH001
Belgium MZBE001
Bulgaria MZBG001
Canada MZCA001
China MZCN001
Cyprus MZGRCY001
Czech Republic MZCZ001
Denmark MZDK001
Egypt MZEG001
Estonia MZEE001
Finland MZFI001
France MZFR001
Germany MZDE001
Gibraltar MZGI001
Greece MZGR001
Guatemala MZGT001
Hong Kong MZHK001
Hungary MZHU001
India MZIN001
Indonesia MZIN002
Ireland MZIE001
Israel MZISR001
Italy MZIT001
Latvia MZLV001
Lebanon MZLB001
Lithuania MZLT001
Luxembourg MZLU001
Mexico MZMX001
Netherlands MZNL001
Norway MZNO001
New Zealand MZNZ001
Oman MZOM001
Poland MZPL001
Portugal MZPT001
Qatar MZQA001
Romania MZRO001
Saudi Arabia MZSA001
Singapore MZSG001
South Africa MZZA001
Spain MZES001
Sweden MZSE001
Switzerland MZCH001
Taiwan MZTW001
Tanzania MZTZ001
Thailand MZTH001


Turkey MZTR001
United Arab Emirates (UAE) MZUAE001
United Kingdom MZUK001
United States of America MZUS001
Vietnam MZVN001