MZ-Switch FAQ's
No matter what your question is, find it here! But most importantly, always charge your Switch before you
1. Which location is best for my favorite activities?
Wrist: Use your wrist strap for swimming and other non-gripping, repeatable movements.
Arm: Snap your module into your arm band for improved accuracy during non-gripping activity and repeatable movements, excluding swimming.
Chest: Chest is best to get the most accurate results for all activities except swimming.
Check out this comprehensive table of activities for specific guidelines: Which Strap Should I Use for my MZ-Switch?
2. How do I turn the MZ-Switch on and off?
Wrist and Arm: Press and hold the button on the module until you hear one beep and see the LED flash green to signify the module has turned on and is reading your heart rate. When you're finished, press and hold the
button again until you hear three beeps letting you know the module has turned off.
Note: New MZ-Switches come in shipping mode and may appear unresponsive upon purchasing. Please press and hold the button for 5 seconds to disable and charge per instructions above.
Chest: Moisten the black sensors on the back of the chest strap and fasten it around your lower chest with the module in the center or shifted to the left. It will automatically activate once it detects your heart rate. The module needs to receive a few cycles of heart beats before it activates--this will take at least 30 seconds--you will then hear a single beep when it has connected.
Please note the power button will not work in this location.
When you remove your Switch, you will hear three beeps to let you know it has turned off.
3. How do I wear the MZ-Switch?
Wrist: Slide your hand through the wrist band and pull the strap to tighten against your skin with module two fingers above your wrist bone.
Forearm: Slide your hand through the armband and tighten it just beneath the elbow with the module facing out. You may also wear it above the elbow or around your bicep if you find that more comfortable.
Chest: Snap the module onto the chest strap and place your belt around your lower chest. While many find it works best with the module front and center, some find better results with it shifted to the left. Wet the black sensors on the back of your strap to speed up the connection.
Wherever you choose to earn your MEPs, always ensure the MZ-Switch is comfortably snug. If it is too tight or too lose, inaccurate data is a potential result.
4. How do I register my MZ-Switch if I have an existing account?
You do not need to create a new account if you get a new device. To maintain your status ranking and keep your workout history, simply edit your device ID on the Myzone app. Go to the menu in the upper right corner of the app and select Devices. Tap "Add Myzone Device." Entering a new device ID will override the old one while maintaining your data.
5. How does the MZ-Switch measure my heart rate?
Wrist or forearm: In this location, MZ-Switch uses optical blood flow, also called PPG (short for Photoplethysmography). This technology shines a LED light into your skin that measures the volumetric variation of your blood flow to predict your heart rate.
Chest: In this mode, the black sensors on the chest strap read your heart rate via electrocardiogram, or ECG, which traces the electrical activity of your heartbeat.
6. Will my MZ-Switch heart rate monitor turn off automatically if I forget?
You need to press the power button to turn your device off when you use it on your wrist or arm.
It will turn off automatically when you remove it from your chest; listen for three beeps to signal your module has turned off after your workout.
7. What does the flashing light mean?
When used on the wrist or your arm, the light on the front of your module tells you the zone you are in.
To extend battery life, enable the Hand-Up display from your app. Click the menu icon in the upper right corner, then settings and toggle Hand-Up Display on.
8. How do I know when it's time to charge the MZ-Switch?
Your belt and app will let you know when it's time for a charge a few different ways:
- When you press
to turn it on, the LED light will let you know if it is time to plug in:
- The app sends a pop-up notification when you dip below 20%.
- The Workout screen in the app memorizes the charge level from the last time your belt was synced up, so you can always view your battery life here even if your belt isn't connected.
If you wear your Switch on your wrist only, your battery will last up to 40 hours. If you wear it on your chest, up to 300 hours of battery life. Switch it up? Expect it to last somewhere in the middle.
9. What is the best way to charge the MZ-Switch?
Snap the USB charging cable to the back of your MZ-Switch module. Use a 5-volt adapter; do not use a 9-volt adapter as it will damage the module. The light will pulse red to indicate it is charging and will turn solid green once at 100%.
10. Can I use MZ-Switch with my smart watch, Garmin, Peloton or other third-party devices?
Yes, you can earn your MEPs and continue to use your other favorite gadgets too! In fact, because of the dual-channel Bluetooth, you can now sync up to both your Myzone app and your watch, Peloton, or other Bluetooth devices with no problems. Please visit these articles for help pairing to your device:
Apple Watch: How to Pair and Upload Workouts.
Samsung Watch: How to Pair and Upload
11. Can I store workout data on my MZ-Switch?
Yes, when you are not streaming to your app or gym display, your Switch stores up to 36 hours of data. You can upload your workout through the app or at your gym--just put your belt on, power it up, then connect. On the app, keep your belt on and navigate to the My Tile screen. You will see a message that data is being received from your belt, and your graph will appear at the bottom of your tile once it has been received. At the gym, stand within 10 feet or 3 meters of your gym display. Your nickname will scroll at the top of the screen once your data is uploaded.
12. What are the best practices for washing the straps?
Please refer to this article for thorough belt care steps.
13. Can I swim with the Switch?
Yes, the MZ-Switch is the first Myzone product to track swimming MEPs! It is waterproof up to 10 meters. Choose the wrist band for swimming, surfing, or water aerobics.
14. My heart rate does not display on cardio equipment--why?
To allow for enhanced internal memory, dual-Bluetooth, and a smaller module size, the Switch was designed without an Analog chip. Cardio machines that read heart rate monitors with analog only unfortunately will not pick up the Switch. You can use your app, the LED light, or a compatible third-party device or app to monitor your zones.
Eliminating the analog chip also guarantees your heart rate will not show on a neighbor's display. Doing a sprint session while your friend does a recovery jog? You definitely don't crosstalk between treadmills and heart rate monitors while trying to monitor your workout. Analog devices do not specifically pair, so there is a risk you will see others' heart rate data or they will see yours. More and more machines are being created without analog in favor of Bluetooth and ANT+ for this reason.
15. Can I pause a workout?
No, the button powers your Switch on or off on your wrist or arm--it does not pause your workout.
16. Can you switch from arm to chest and continue a workout?
Yes, you can switch from arm to chest and receive a cohesive graph as long as there is not a 10-minute break between activities.
17. What is the warranty for the MZ-Switch?
The module comes with a 12-month warranty and the straps have a 3-month warranty. Our support team is here to help if you need to check your warranty status or replace any part of your unit.
18. Is the MZ-Switch safe to use with medical devices such as pacemakers?
Yes, it is safe to use with medical devices. These may interfere with the chest strap though, so please wear your Switch on your wrist or arm.
19. Why are the results different on my wrist?
The wrist and arm results are measured via PPG technology, rather than ECG. PPG estimates your heart rate based on your pulse, while ECG traces the electrical pathway of your heart. PPG is approximately 95% accurate, whereas ECG is over 99% accurate. For the most accurate heart rate measurements, use the chest strap for ECG readings, unless you are swimming.
20. How does gripping and arm movement affect PPG readings?
The PPG sensor predicts your heart rate by viewing the flow. Extra motion can give a false high reading, while tightly gripping can restrict the view and lead to a lower reading. PPG is 95% accurate for non-gripping activities with predictable arm movements.