How to Set Up a Youth Account
Once you verify the child is under the age of valid consent for your country of redisence, create a child account from a parent/guardian account.
For Children Under Age of Consent: If your child is younger than the age specified in the chart below, they'll need a child account linked to a parent or guardian account. Check the chart to determine if they fall under the category of a minor or adult:
Country | Age for Valid Consent (As of October 2018) |
Austria | 14 |
Belgium | 13 |
Bulgaria | 14 |
Croatia | 16 |
Czech Republic | 13 |
Denmark | 13 |
Estonia | 13 |
Finland | 13 |
France | 15 |
Germany | 16 |
Hungary | 16 |
Italy | 16 |
Latvia | 13 |
Lithuania | 14 |
Luxembourg | 16 |
Malta | 16 |
Netherlands | 16 |
Norway | 13 |
Poland | 13 |
Portugal | 13 |
Republic of Ireland | 16 |
Romania | 16 |
Slovakia | 16 |
Slovenia | 15 |
Spain | 13 |
Sweden | 13 |
Switzerland | 16 |
United Kingdom | 13 |
United States of America | 16 |
**Any country that is not listed above and is not in the EU, the valid consent age is 16.
Once you have determined if your child needs a minor child account or adult account, follow the below steps below:
Step 1: The parent or guardian must create a Myzone account first. Please go to to complete a profile registration. Note: you will need the facility code from your club and belt ID# to complete your registration. If you do not have a belt to register, please use the number “0” in the unique belt ID field to complete registration. If you’re unsure of your facility code, please contact your club or use the help button in the Myzone app.
Step 2: The parent or guardian will need to log into their Myzone account from a desktop and access the Personal Information section of the profile by clicking on the profile icon found in the upper right corner of your account page.
Step 3: Scroll down to Linked Child Accounts and click on the green plus sign associated with New Child Account and add the child to the parent or guardian’s profile.
Step 4: The parent or guardian will have to create the child’s account by filling out the required fields. You will need to use a different email to the Parent Account. Once complete, be sure to click the green check mark to save and create.
Step 5: Once saved, the child will have an account created under Linked Child Accounts of the parent’s account. From here, the parent will be able to log into the child’s account. The child will receive a confirmation email provided to the email address linked to the child and will have their own login to use for the app.