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How do you synce Myzone to Google Fit

You can allow Myzone to share data with Google Fit in the Myzone app under Settings.

If you are an Android user, by default Google Fit integration is disabled and will need to be enabled in your phone settings if desired. Here's how:

1) Open your Myzone App and access your Settings (cog) located in the upper left corner of your Myzone home screen. 

2) Once inside Settings, scroll down under My Profile and select Google Fit. Switch on the toggle to enable. 


The Myzone app currently shares workouts, along with heart rate data, and a conversion from MEPs to Google Fit’s ‘Heart Points’ (This is possible as both systems are based on the WHO recommended guidelines). Other associated data, such as steps, distance, elevation, GPS mapping, etc, may be shown with the workout, but only if your phone or another app pulled this data - since the Myzone app does not pull steps, distance, elevation etc. 

This is how a workout written by the Myzone app might look in Google Fit:


In addition to workout data, your body metrics (weight, height, body fat %, basal metabolic rate are also synced with Google Fit  when the app is brought into the foreground and when you initially enable Google Fit in your settings. Due to the way Google Fit works, please be aware that Myzone workout data often takes a little time to show up in the Google Fit app - anywhere from a few minutes upward to half an hour or more.

For any additional questions on the above information, feel free to contact Myzone Technical support here --