If you need to register your Myzone belt but do not belong to a Myzone-enabled gym,or need to change to move to an independent code, please choose from the regional community code list to set up your account.
If you are transferring to a new account, please contact our customer care team via live chat our our support form in the help center.
**Only 1 facility code can be associated with your Myzone account.**
Region / Country | Facility Code |
Austria | MZAT001 |
Australia | MZAU001 |
Bahrain | MZBH001 |
Belgium | MZBE001 |
Bulgaria | MZBG001 |
Canada | MZCA001 |
China | MZCN001 |
Cyprus | MZGRCY001 |
Czech Republic | MZCZ001 |
Denmark | MZDK001 |
Egypt | MZEG001 |
Estonia | MZEE001 |
Finland | MZFI001 |
France | MZFR001 |
Germany | MZDE001 |
Gibraltar | MZGI001 |
Greece | MZGR001 |
Guatemala | MZGT001 |
Hong Kong | MZHK001 |
Hungary | MZHU001 |
India | MZIN001 |
Indonesia | MZIN002 |
Ireland | MZIE001 |
Israel | MZISR001 |
Italy | MZIT001 |
Latvia | MZLV001 |
Lebanon | MZLB001 |
Lithuania | MZLT001 |
Luxembourg | MZLU001 |
Mexico | MZMX001 |
Netherlands | MZNL001 |
Norway | MZNO001 |
New Zealand | MZNZ001 |
Oman | MZOM001 |
Poland | MZPL001 |
Portugal | MZPT001 |
Qatar | MZQA001 |
Romania | MZRO001 |
Russia | RUSSIA |
Saudi Arabia | MZSA001 |
Singapore | MZSG001 |
South Africa | MZZA001 |
Spain | MZES001 |
Sweden | MZSE001 |
Switzerland | MZCH001 |
Taiwan | MZTW001 |
Tanzania | MZTZ001 |
Thailand | MZTH001 |
Tunisia |
MZTN001 |
Turkey | MZTR001 |
United Arab Emirates (UAE) | MZUAE001 |
United Kingdom | MZUK001 |
United States of America | MZUS001 |
Vietnam | MZVN001 |