How does Myzone calculate calorie burn?

Myzone estimates caloric expenditure using an equation that was developed in a study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences.

The equation takes into consideration the user’s sex, weight, age, and heart rate.

Men: C/min = (-55.0969 + 0.6309 x HR + 0.1988 x weight + 0.2017 x age) / 4.184

Women: C/min = (-20.4022 + 0.4472 x HR - 0.1263 x weight + 0.074 x age) / 4.184

Things to Know: 

  • Calories measurements are an estimate. Trackers such as Fitbit, Apple Watch, and others use different equations, so you will notice calorie burn may vary between devices.
  • Myzone does not track calories below 50% of your MHR. The equation is most accurate at moderate to intense activity so calories will only be calculated above 50% (grey-red zones).

  • The linear nature of the calorie calculation formula may not account for the nonlinear nature of human metabolism across different exercise intensities.

Things to consider: 

  1. Intensity of Workouts (Heart Rate Zones): Variations in calories between different devices might be more significant in certain intensity zones.
  2. Duration of Workouts: The length of the workout might affect accuracy, as longer sessions could amplify variance in minute-by-minute calculations.
  3. Heart Rate Variability: Significant differences between average and peak heart rates during workouts might indicate variable intensity levels that could affect calorie calculation.